Effortless Video Creation from PDFs and Google Slides

Transform your PDFs and Google Slides into captivating video presentations without any hassle. With 30hands, you can easily convert static content into dynamic visual experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Seamless Slide-to-Video Conversion

Turn your Google Slides or PDFs into stunning video presentations effortlessly. With 30hands, transform static content into captivating visuals that resonate with your audience.

Personalized Voice Narration

Add a human touch to your videos with custom voice narration. Record your own voiceover directly within 30hands, delivering a personal touch that makes your content stand out.

AI-Powered Transcripts

Enjoy automatic AI-generated transcripts for your videos. Let 30hands transcribe your narration or spoken content, making it easy to review, edit, and optimize your message.

Dynamic AI-Generated Subtitles

Enhance accessibility and engagement with AI-generated subtitles embedded in your videos. Cater to a global audience and ensure your message reaches everyone.

Viewer Analytics

Detailed viewer analytics show who has watched your video and for how long. Other metrics include your viewer's browser and device types and from which websites they visited from.

Team Collaboration

Invite members to your 30hands site. Members can be assigned as either Editors or Viewers. Editors can collaborate to create and publish videos together.

Effortless Web Sharing and MP4 Export

Share your videos seamlessly across the web or export them as MP4 files. 30hands empowers you to reach your audience through various channels effortlessly.

AI-Generated Video Summaries

Unlock the power of AI-generated video summaries that highlight key points and create engaging teasers. Capture your audience's attention from the start.